MOSSAD — Test your ‘SPY’ knowledge with our quiz!

How much do you know about spy agencies? Take this quiz to find out your knowledge of the MOSSAD. Follow us on Twitter: @Intel_Today


Here are ten questions about the national intelligence agency of Israel. Click on the right answer and it will appear in GREEN. If your choice pops up in RED, try again… Good luck!

1. Who is the current MOSSAD Chief?
 Yossi Cohen 
 Meir Dagan 
 Tamir Pardo 
 Danny Yatom 
2. Who was his predecessor?
Tamir Pardo 
 Yossi Cohen
 Danny Yatom
 Meir Dagan
3. What is the Agency’s MOTTO?
“Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”
 “For by wise guidance you can wage your war”
 “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”
 “In every place where necessity makes law”
 4. What does the word ‘MOSSAD’ mean?
 5.  The evacuation of Ethiopian Jews to Israel from a famine-ridden region of Sudan in 1984 was codenamed:
Operation Moses 
 Operation Plumbat 
 Operation Wrath of God
 Operation Diamond 
 6. In 1960, Mossad discovered that the Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann was living in which country?
 7. The Mossad was formed in which year?
 8. The sabotage unit is known as: 
 9. In 1965, the Mossad assassinated Latvian Nazi collaborator Herberts Cukurs in which country?
 10. In 1968, The German freighter “Scheersberg A” disappeared on its way from Antwerp to Genoa along with its cargo of 200 tons of yellowcake. What is the codename of this MOSSAD operation?
Wrath of God

The End!


MOSSAD — Wikipedia


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