One Year Ago — Former UK Ambassador: “Assad Is Not Behind The Chemical Attack”

“It’s not going to end here … because Trump has just given the jihadis a thousand reasons to stage fake flag operations.”

Peter Ford — Former British Ambassador to Syria

April 11 2017 — Former British Ambassador to Syria Peter Ford says those calling for intervention in Syria are likes “dogs returning to their own vomit”. Peter Ford believes that it is “highly unlikely” that Russia and the Assad regime are behind the attack in Idlib. Follow us on Twitter: @INTEL_Today

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Former UK ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford, says Syria would “implode” and that there “would be a bloodbath” if President Assad were to go.

Speaking to BBC Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis, Mr Ford said there was no moderate opposition waiting to take over.

“It would be much worse, you only have to look at the opposition-led areas to see what life would be like.”

The former British Ambassador to Syria told the ‘BBC on Friday’ that chemical weapons are now more likely to be used in Syria because jihadis know a ‘fake flag’ attack will trigger the US to attack Assad.

“It’s not going to end here … because Trump has just given the jihadis a thousand reasons to stage fake flag operations.”

“Seeing how successful and how easy it is with a gullible media to provoke the West into intemperate reactions, they will very likely stage an operation similar to what they did — and this was documented by the United Nations in August last year — they mounted a chlorine gas attack on civilians and they tried to make it look like it was a regime operation.”

“Mark my words, you hearing it here, and it will happen. And we’ll get all the warmongers coming to tell us that Assad is defying us and we must go in more heavily into Syria, this will be fake flag.”

About Peter Ford

Peter Ford (born 27 June 1947) is a retired British diplomat who was ambassador to Bahrain from 1999–2003 and to Syria from 2003–2006. Since 2010 he has become known to a wider public for his critical stance towards British politics in Syria.

Ford has accused David Cameron’s policy of deposing Assad as the opening of a “Pandora’s box”. He warned of repeating the mistakes of Libya and Iraq. In his opinion, the fall of the Assad regime would lead to the massacres of Christians, Shias, Alawites, Druze and other minorities. [Wikipedia]

Ford has also called to mind instances of false evidence during the war of Iraq. On the alleged chemical attack of April 4 2017, he commented to the BBC that:

“There has been no investigation.. we’ve not even seen a dossier, not a dodgy dossier – we’ve not seen any dossier whatever this time. It wouldn’t make any sense for Assad to be as mad as to do something to cause himself massive harm.”

Peter Ford destroys the War in Syria Narrative

On April 11th 2017 Peter Ford, former British Ambassador to Syria was on BBC Breakfast. With three minutes of remarks, he destroys the entire Syrian War narrative.


‘Syria will implode if Assad goes’, says Peter Ford — BBC


Ex-UK Ambassador: “Assad was not behind the chemical attack”

One Year Ago — Former UK Ambassador: “Assad Is Not Behind The Chemical Attack”

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2 Responses to One Year Ago — Former UK Ambassador: “Assad Is Not Behind The Chemical Attack”

  1. Craig says:

    ‘Former ambassador Peter Ford drops several truth bombs on Syria’
    April 11, 2018

    BBC Radio Scotland interview with Peter Ford.
    Well worth a listen.


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