Roger Waters : “White Helmets Is A Fake Organization That Creates Propaganda for Jihadists and Terrorists”

“The White Helmets is a fake organization that exists only to create propaganda for jihadists and terrorists. That’s my belief. We have opposing beliefs. If we were to listen to the propaganda of the White Helmets and others, we would be encouraged to encourage our governments to start dropping bombs on people in Syria. This would be a mistake of monumental proportions for us as human beings.”

Roger Waters — Singer and activist

“The White Helmets are operating on the ground alongside Al-Qaeda and their allies, and these are just documented facts.”

Journalist Max Blumenthal

“People began to arrive here suffering from hypoxia, oxygen loss. Then someone at the door, a ‘White Helmet’, shouted ‘Gas!’ and a panic began. People started throwing water over each other. Yes, the video was filmed here, it is genuine, but what you see are people suffering from hypoxia – not gas poisoning.”

Syrian Doctor interviewed in Douma by Robert Fisk

“There was not a single occasion in which I ever heard the medics (in Sunni Gaza) shout ‘takbeeror Allahu Akbar’ upon rescuing civilians, much less intentionally stood on dead bodies, posed in staged videos, or any of the other revolting acts that the White Helmets have been filmed doing in Syria. They were too damn busy rescuing or evacuating the areas before another Israeli strike, and usually maintained a focused silence as they worked, communicating only the necessities. The only occasion I recall of screaming while with the medics, were the screams of civilians we collected and in particular the anguished shrieks of a husband helping to put the body parts of his dismembered wife onto a stretcher to be taken to the morgue. The medics I knew in Gaza were true heroes. The White Helmets, not a chance.”

Eva Bartlett — Former volunteer with Palestinian Medics

Robert Fisk is the first western journalist to reach Douma, Syria. He spoke to residents and interviewed a doctor who treated the victims of an incident which occurred on April 7th 2018. The doctor told Fisk that these people did not suffered from a chemical attack.

During a recent concert in Barcelona, Spain on April 13 2018, Roger Waters — co-founder of Pink Floyd — exposed the White Helmets as a multi million dollar funded propaganda construct for terrorist factions inside Syria. Follow us on Twitter: @Intel_Today

RELATED POST: Robert Fisk — “No Gas Attack Occurred In Douma On April 7th”

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RELATED POST: One Year Ago — Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson : “The Syrian Chemical Attack Story Is A Hoax”

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In an email dated October 2016, Roger Waters was invited to a fundraiser organized by Saudi billionaire Hani Farsi to honor the work of the White helmets. That email also encouraged the singer to watch a documentary about the group.

A few just days before his recent in Barcelona, Waters was contacted by Victoria Gilbert, a French journalist working for the White Helmets. The French reporter asked Waters for a few moments on stage to deliver “a message to the children of Syria”.

Instead of giving her the stage during his concert, Waters denounced the organization.

The White Helmets is a fake organization that exists only to create propaganda for jihadists and terrorists. That’s my belief. We have opposing beliefs.

If we were to listen to the propaganda of the White Helmets and others, we would be encouraged to encourage our governments to start dropping bombs on people in Syria.

This would be a mistake of monumental proportions for us as human beings.”

The Facts about the ‘White Helmets’ Organization

The ‘White Helmets’ is definitely NOT a grassroots Syrian organization. It is a well-funded organization created by the US and the UK governments. The organization is partial and political. The White Helmets is NOT a humanitarian organization.

Their ‘footage’ is broadcast by the US and UK MSM. But the authenticity of their footage is highly dubious. Real humanitarian workers rarely have the time to film on-going disasters.

The group’s primary purpose is to provide the U.S./U.K with the excuse needed to impose a no-fly zone in Syria. After all, it worked so well in Libya.

RELATED POST: SYRIA — US to seek No-Fly Zone West of the Euphrates

The PR Machine Behind the White Helmets

“The adulatory publicity surrounding the White Helmets is the result of a multimillion-dollar marketing and social media campaign conducted through a network that is funded by George Soros and various U.S., U.K. and Middle Eastern enterprises.

The PR network is made up of Avaaz, Purpose, Syria Campaign and the White Helmets and is detailed by Cory Morningstar and Rick Sterling in their respective articles.” ( Vanessa Beeley )



WHITE HELMETS: State Sanctioned Terrorism and Hollywood Poster Boys for War —  Vanessa Beeley


Roger Waters : “White Helmets Is A Fake Organization That Creates Propaganda for Jihadists and Terrorists”

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