INTEL TODAY : “What they say about us” — A Letter from Dr Jim Swire

“INTEL TODAY, in its relentless publishing on line of so many truths about the (Lockerbie) atrocity, has recently identified two men and one woman (solicitor Gareth Pierce) who all gave enormous support in the search for TRUTH. Professor Robert Black of Edinburgh in whose shadow I was grateful to stand to help pursue the agreement of the late Colonel Gaddafi to allow his citizens to be tried in a Western court, and then George Thomson, indefatigable investigator that he is. There are so many others that their friendship and support are a major part of the ability to persevere; we are fortunate indeed to have found so many friends. Love of truth seems to attract the most loveable.”

“The work of younger people and groups such as INTEL TODAY with its tapping of objective professional expertise carries the responsibility of revealing the truth. For example, search their brilliant coverage of PT35b!”

Dr. Jim Swire — Letter to Intel Today (May 17 2020)

Dr Herbert ‘Jim’ Swire  — Jim Swire is an English engineer [electronics] as well as a medical doctor.
Dr Swire is best known for his involvement in the aftermath of the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, in which his daughter Flora was killed.

May 17 2020 — I have recently launched a special page “What they say about us” in order to let my readers explain why they come to this blog for information. Today, I publish a letter from Dr. Jim Swire. Follow us on Twitter: @INTEL_TODAY

RELATED POST: On This Day — Zola : “J’accuse…!” (January 13 1898) [2020]

RELATED POST: Wikipedia : A Disinformation Operation? [Swiss Propaganda Research]

RELATED POST: Lockerbie & Pan Am 103 Quotes

RELATED POST: Lockerbie — Overview & Timeline

RELATED POST: Lockerbie – Three Decades of Lies: J’Accuse…!

A Letter from Dr Jim Swire to Intel Today (May 17 2020)

We were thrown from a life as a British NHS GP and family into the hell of bereavement, deceits and official deceptions upon the brutal murder of our elder daughter Flora along with 269 other innocent souls on 21st December 1988. After the first days of numbed grief and disbelief  there was the support of others similarly afflicted.

Prominent among those has been Reverend John Mosey and his wife Lisa who had also lost their daughter on the flight and John and I between us witnessed the entire trial and first appeal. He and I have often discussed how we could force some good to come out of so great an evil as this barbaric act.

We might forgive those who got protection so wrong back in 1988 and those who today continue to support the nonsense of the whole story about the Lockerbie bomb having started from Malta, The truth is now clear: that story is nonsense from beginning to end.

Yet  alas it is obvious that a great deal is known by our Governments here and in America about the real origins of this deeply preventable atrocity. Not only that, but direct action has been repeatedly taken to block our clamour for truth.

On top of that, Justice itself at Zeist was, we can now see, deliberately perverted in order to establish a fable which is without proof and is void.

In  decent societies we all need the truth, and the restoration of impartial justice. Without those we are even denied the chance to extend forgiveness towards those who failed our families and even towards those who in reality cold-bloodily murdered them.

Further, to leave the manner of their slaughter concealed in a fog of nonsense seems to degrade the significance of their lives.

Impartial justice was a glorious evolution from the seeds sown at Runnymede in 1215 and enshrined in the Magna Carta. it was one of the greatest gifts that England gave to the world. Yet now have we really sunk to this?

In the UK we like to think of ourselves as hosting ‘the mother of Parliaments’ and as being the most solidly democratic country on earth.

Yet when a country decides to conceal great matters such as the real reasons for the deaths of a large number of her citizens above and on its own soil Can it claim to be democratic?


So plain is the gap now for those who have studied the evidence between reality and Government positions and so stark the evidence now available to show that the wrong country and its citizens were blamed, that for the seekers after truth, apparent blindness of Governments and their apparent intrusions in justice at Zeist can only be described as willful.

For many years I have admired the work of English poet and philosopher John Donne:

“On a huge hill,
Cragged and steep, Truth stands, and hee that will
Reach her, about must, and about must goe;
And what the hills suddenness resists, winne so;
Yet strive so, that before age, death’s twilight,
Thy Soule rest, for none can worke in that night.”

‘Age, death’s twilight’ is fast approaching now for those of us Lockerbie relatives who have fought for truth.

We need to pass on the baton to those with the intelligence skill and perseverance to continue the pursuit of truth

INTEL TODAY in its relentless publishing on line of so many truths about the atrocity has recently identified two men and one woman (solicitor Gareth Pierce) who all gave enormous support in the search for TRUTH.

Professor Robert Black of Edinburgh in whose shadow I was grateful to stand to help pursue the agreement of the late Colonel Gaddafi to allow his citizens to be tried in a Western court, and then George Thomson, indefatigable investigator that he is.

There are so many others that their friendship and support are a major part of the ability to persevere; we are fortunate indeed to have found so many friends. Love of truth seems to attract the most loveable.

In 2012 John Ashton, emerging from the confidentiality of Megrahi’s legal defence team published his book “Megrahi: you are my jury” which for the first time revealed how the mysterious circuit board fragment called ‘PT35b’ simply could not have come from the facilities used by the Swiss firm MEBO to manufacture sophisticated digital timers and their circuit boards for Libya and other darker clients.

John followed that with ‘Scotland’s shame’ a book which reinforces his previous work and by its very title draws attention to the fact that since the Zeist trial 20 years have gone by without any Scot with the power to be heard having stood up and demanded relentlessly that there be a full inquiry into how the Scottish police run criminal inquiry could have gone so wrong, and how the materials offered to the Zeist court by Scotland’s prosecution service have been so limited and so biased.

The Zeist court was denied the expert analysis of this fragment so elegantly set out in John’s book and amplified and condensed now by INTEL TODAY. The failure to act upon the evidence now publicly available largely through the determination of these great people protects the position of both the Scottish and UK based establishments.

On the morning of the very day of John Ashton’s book being published in Edinburgh I heard Prime Minister David Cameron speak on Radio Four “ This book is an insult to the relatives” he said. On their ’today’ programme

To many of the UK relatives the book was in fact a revelation of a major route towards the  truth: the PM’s words were themselves the insult to us.

Work as he now may on his memoirs and speeches in his Chipping Norton shepherd’s hut, over time the truth will emerge and he may even come to regret his own words of that day.

An apology would be a first regarding any failure by our own establishment to protect  those precious lives

I believe this statement by our own Prime Minister was also deeply revealing.

The publisher of John Aston’s book, BIRLINN OF EDINBURGH had gone to extraordinary lengths to keep John’s book’s contents secret until the actual launch day.

So much so that although I had been invited to the launch and was an overnight guest with the publishers, I had only been able to see the text for the first time during the night before the launch.

That Cameron could launch his comments on the day of launch itself told us three things.

A) Intelligence eyes must have scanned the text clandestinely in advance.

B) The United Kingdom Government’s Prime Minister was either unaware of or uncaring about the need of grieving relatives in his own country to know the truth as to why the UK had failed at Heathrow to protect against so copiously foretold an atrocity.

C) His statement was aligned with the wishes of the United States and its establishment, and might well be acceptable to US families, assuming them to be unaware of the real facts. Many there believed themselves to have ‘closure’ over the background to the atrocity . Presumably that issue, prodded by UK intelligence sources seemed to justify his comments.

Did PT35b really matter? Well one man was in charge of the major US input to the criminal investigation. He was senior FBI agent Richard A. Marquise, who did his utmost to support the smooth running of the various authorities involved in the inquiry. He said of PT35b:

“Without PT/35(b), there would have been no indictment.”

There is nothing that can replace those we lost that night. But slowly, slowly the mists obscuring the truth about their slaughter will and are clearing.

The trial at Zeist which we worked so hard to support inadvertently revealed so much of the truth, not just to us but to anyone willing to listen, that gradually realisation is emerging even round our virus ridden planet now that we have all been led astray.

The work of younger people and groups such as INTEL TODAY with its tapping of objective professional expertise carries the responsibility of revealing the truth. For example, search their brilliant coverage of PT35b!

Even now we await the Megrahi family appeal process under Scottish solicitor Aamer Anwar that surely will reveal that the verdict against the one individual Libyan, Abdel Baset Al-Megrahi was false.

Then can we please know what the Governments know as to who really did do it and why our families were not protected?

Dr Jim Swire (17th May 2020)


What they say about us” — INTEL TODAY :


INTEL TODAY : “What they say about us” — A Letter from Dr Jim Swire

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